We hope that the new year will bring peace and prosperity and that the European Year for Combatting Poverty will do what it says on the tin!
We would also like to remind everyone that 2010 is the mid point of the 'Decade of Roma Inclusion' ...
Fonyod Artist's Summer Camp July 09
The wheel is a very important symbol to the Roma
representing freedom and movement.
Fonyod Artist's Summer Camp July 09
Terez and Gabor bedecked (accidentally) in red, white and green, Hungary's national colours. They are also the colours of Wales ... two small nations with more in common than one might immediately imagine?
There is a very famous Hungarian poem entitled 'The Bards of Wales' by Janos Arany that tells of Edward I's execution of 500 Welsh bards in 1277 lest they incite the youth to rebellion by reminding them in their songs of their nation's glorious past * We have the text if you want to read it & will find a link for the next post.
Ali and Krisztina
Eva Kiss-Kalmanne, VIIIth District, Budapest
Jen, Eliza, Julietta and Jennifer, VIIIth District, Budapest
The Women's Committee, Sajokaza
Bricklayers 'Crew' Sajocaza
Beno: photo by his brother Andras (see below)
Agnes and family. BP
Zsuzsi and Gergely at work.
Gal, Sajokaza
Eva and Orsi, Solyom Settlement
Rozie and Angelika, BP
Olah, BP
Andras, Terez's youngest son
Sergei and family, Sajokaza
Happy New Year to you both, and good luck with the Exhibition opening on Saturday. We are only sorry that we cannot be there.